The never-ending dusty roads simply made me tired. We were now travelling for hours in this Russian UAZ-452 van and the constant bumping was overstraining my sensitive circuits more and more. Mongolia has almost 3000 km of asphalted roads (Germany: 645,000 km), a country that is 5 times bigger as Germany. 40% of the 3 million inhabitants live in the capital Ulaanbaatar, which dominates with its socialist, grey concrete charm and forms the greatest contrast to the rich, green grasslands of the wide Mongolian countryside. Shortly after the borders of the capital we enter the grandiose natural arena and we drive on endless natural roads towards the horizon. In the evening, we spend the night in small yurt camps at the edge of fenceless, grassy steppes and while we search senseless for sockets for our batteries, our thoughts dissolve into small, colourful, veil clouds in the never-ending firmament… that’s Mongolia.
It seems like a small adventure to challenge the endless slopes of Mongolian loneliness, because rarely our limited freedom is so removed. The term horizon is redefined and for the first time we understand what the word “infinity” on the mount of my optical lenses really means.